Games for PC Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs

Release  Date: 09/10/2013 
Platform Requirements: PC 
Game Type: Adventure / Horror 
Language:  ENG  
Size: 2.42 GB

Game info:

One of the scary headlines recently released PC title Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs which is undoubtedly one of the most frightening horror genre is in the headlines. The story is about a man called Oswald the resident Vyknvrya Mandvs happening in London in 1988. He is a wealthy industrialist. Mandvs a disastrous trip back to Mexico, but is suffering severe fever comes to him. Machine Dreams of Darkness sees the illness until his consciousness has failed to achieve these dreams. The events of the past few months and Mandvs after waking, hears mysterious noises of a sudden started to work. Genre and first-person survival horror game has some dark elements that have been removed, while new elements are added to it. This game has a different design and a new experience for veteran players to create the style.
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Game maker claims that the core of the previous version is kept intact, but many elements are removed or added. Another example is the news from games and Inventory System is the new champion, pieces of wood, small nails or carry a torch of hope in the future. AI the game will be much better than before. Many artificial intelligence can play a constructive unpredictability and the time spent playing monsters, they will act smarter than before.
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
Download Amnesia A Machine for Pigs play for PC | Laptop 2 Download
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